
«In Lucem - Autistic can't dance» ©2020/22

Celeste ©2022 | IIº Encuentro de Danzantes Butoh, Ánimas Nocturnas, Cuando la Muerte Danza l Pachuca, Hidalgo, México, 2022

Um minuto de dança - Cia Kagemi, Victoria da Conquista, Bahía, Brasil

«Rebirth» ©2020 IIº Festival Cuerpo Vibrátil, Ibague , Colombia 2021

«Celebra el cielo y el agua de su incendio» ©2021 Híbrida - Movimento Cultural, Vitória da Conquista - Bahía, Brasil 2021

"D'agua" - research work

Butoh-Flamenco research work

"Spider" - Excerpt of work in progress

"Rebirth" - Excerpt of work in progress

Butoh - Research work

Movement research and neuromotor integration

Movement research

Investigate the neuromotor condition in physical fatigue

"Lonely soul" - Research work